Example Copyright


  • Offers web-based services in a highly-competitive, highly-regulated field.
  • Client’s platform based on a soon to expire patent portfolio.
  • No newly developed technology protectable via patents.


Client’s business model and investors did not permit it to participate in the race to the bottom in terms of pricing. However, client’s various business groups were adaptable and creative allowing it to develop and quickly launch new services to remain competitive. Client required intellectual property strategies which would allow it to grow both its customer base and its assets so as to better position client for acquisition.


Client developed and aggressively adapted its digital assets to maintain a competitive advantage over its competitors. Client registered websites, marketing materials, user manuals, training materials, other digital works, and improvements thereto with the Copyright Office in the United States.

Client also developed a family of trademarks comprised of a group of trademarks with a recognizable common characteristic, that is distinctive, and that is used so that the purchasing public recognized the common characteristic to indicate client as the seller/provider of the services. Client registered each new trademark in the family of marks with the Trademark Office in the United States.


Client’s copyright and trademark assets significantly increased its attractiveness as an acquisition to an acquiring party and increased price paid by the acquiring party.

Case Studies